Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Estudios y Publicaciones

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Comunicación Política

Arturo Arriagada - Magdalena Browne - Ricardo González - Luis Enrique Santana - Patricio Velasco - Valentina Salvatierra

Arriagada, A.; Browne, M.; González, R.; Salvatierra, V.; Santana, L.; Velasco, P. (2022). Flujos de curatoría informativa en adolescentes. Santiago, Chile: Escuela de Comunicaciones y Periodismo, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Disponible en: comunicaciones.uai.cl

Andrés Scherman Teitelboim - Sebastián Valenzuela y Sebastián Rivera

Scherman, A., Valenzuela, S., & Rivera, S. (2021). Youth environmental activism in the age of social media: the case of Chile (2009-2019). Journal of Youth Studies.

Andrés Scherman Teitelboim - Nicolle Etchegaray

Scherman, A. & Etchegaray, N. (2021). News Frames in the Context of a Substantial Increase in Migration: Differences Between Media Platforms and Immigrants’ Nationality. International Journal of Communication 15, 5051–5073.

Andrés Scherman Teitelboim - Sebastián Rivera

Scherman, A. & Rivera, S. (2021). Social Media Use and Pathways to Protest Participation: Evidence From the 2019 Chilean Social Outburst. Social Media + Society, 7(4), 1-13.

Luis Enrique Santana - Feddersen, M.

Feddersen, M., & Santana, L. E. (2021). Unpacking the democratic affordances of CrowdLaw concept and practice: ‘It feels like being part of the game.’ Politics.

Ricardo González - Le Foulon Morán, C.

González, R., Le Foulon Morán, C. (2020). The 2019–2020 Chilean protests: A first look at their causes and participants. International Journal of Sociology.

Carlos Franco

Franco, C. (2018). Donald, de aprendiz a Presidente. Santiago: RIL editores

Arturo Arriagada - Manuel Guerrero

Guerrero, M; Arriagada, A. (Eds.). (2017). Conexión pública: prácticas cívicas y uso de medios en cinco países. México: Ediciones Universidad Iberoamericana.

- Vinuesa, ML.

Portales, C; Vinuesa, ML. (2017). Political Advertising and its effects on a pluralist electoral coverage. A case study of the 2009 Chilean presidential elections. Prisma Social, Nº17, pp. 64-86.

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