Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Images of Gaza: Social Appropriations on the Photographs of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Área de publicación Medios, Prácticas y Representaciones
Tipo de publicación Artículos
Fecha de publicación 2019
Autores Fabiana Rodríguez-Pastene - Niklander, S; Valenzuela, S.

This research aims to determine the appropriation of Facebook users, regarding the images of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To do this, a number of comments made by users of this social network published in the digital media BioBioChile.cl. Using a quantitative methodology based on content analysis, is how these appropriations are determined. For the purposes of this investigation, it is essential to understand the “social” role of the so called social media and the participation spaces that are provided by digital media networks, which have managed to change the paradigm in the reader/medium relationship through Web 2.0.

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