Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Journalistic Treatment of the Tissue Collusion in Chile: Comparative Analysis Between El Mercurio and El Mostrador

Área de publicación Medios, Prácticas y Representaciones
Tipo de publicación Artículos
Fecha de publicación 2019
Autores Fabiana Rodríguez-Pastene - Niklander, S. ; Mestrovic, D. ; Senarega, H.

This paper aims to analyze comparatively the news treatment that El Mercurio and El Mostrador, in their online versions, gave the so-called case “Colusión del Tissue” in Chile. A large amount of news disseminated by the media between the years 2015-2017 was analyzed and studied with the Content Analysis technique. This study aims to contribute to understand the dynamics of framing and its relationship with the editorial line of the selected media.

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